The sky was blue, the sun was shinning, and spring was in the air!
Well at least it was for Saturday… Sunday was a whole other story…
Anyways, this weekend was amazing and FULL of fun!
Okay lets start…
Ah! But wait! There was one thing I did over the week that I have to show you…
We dumped freezing water on our heads for MEGATHON! It was freezing cold but SO WORTH IT!
It really felt like spring. The sun was shining, the sky was extremely blue, and I was excited. I’m excited to see the snow dissapear and for shorts season to come.
I started my day at the Farmer’s Market.
When I got there, everyone was cheery and excited. I think the weather was playing a huge part on everyone’s mood!
I chatted with some vendors and shoppers, and had a great conversation with Jennifer from Stillhead Distillery. We are both looking forward to the warmer weather!
I’m also super excited for when the market is back outdoors!
After the Farmer’s Market, I made my way over to the Canada Games Plaza.
First of all, I can’t believe that the Canada Games were 6 years ago already. It doesn’t seem that long ago at all! Wow. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun!
I was not at the Plaza to reminisce the Games, though! I was there to check out the new exhibit at Two Rivers Art Gallery and the Seconds and Consignment Sale in the gift shop and to check out the “Grab & Go” Event for teens!
I love the art gallery. Especially when it’s super sunny. The new exhibit “Succession” by Mark Thibeault is in the Rustad Galleria, so you are surrounded by lights, and I just felt free, if that makes sense.
And all of the plants are amazing too. It makes me just want to spin and dance around. Anyways, I highly recommend you check out the new exhibit; there are three series involved Populated, Elements, and Cycles, each being influenced by different aspects in Mark’s life. It’s really cool!
While I was there, I was also checking out the sale they had going on in the gift shop! SO MANY amazing finds! We are incredibly lucky to have so many phenominal artists in Prince George!
I ended up getting this mug made by local potter Ayla Davidson. I just LOVED the butterflies!!
I then made my way over to the library.
I am absolutely loving the new entrance- it looks AMAZING and makes the library so much more open than before!
I wanted to check out the ‘Grab and Go’ for Teens that was starting on Monday.
I think this is such a cool idea- you get 3-5 books or video games in a bag with some candy!
I chatted a bit with Heather after too. The library has SO many cool things going on, make sure to check out their websity for all of the fun virtual things they’ve got planned!
I then made my way up to the Spruce Kings Showhome because it’s finally open!! Yahoo!!!
When I pulled up, one of the ladies working there, Kim, came running out. She was SO excited that I was there.
And it just got better.
Kim, Deb, and I all had a blast hanging out together.
We talked about my hair, the showhome, the weather, you name it!
Kim and I ran around the house when it was empty and got some funny pictures! It was an absolute blast! My favourite part was the concert in the shower- it’s meant to have concerts in it!!
We laughed, got silly pictures, and I left the showhome that day with two new friends.
I ended the day on such a good note.
AND THEN the NCAA Women’s Basketball Teams got a full gym too, which made the day even better!
I was not pleased to see SNOW on the ground.
Like WHAT?!?!
After the gorgeous sunshine we had the day before, I was so dissapointed with the weather.
So I made a snow angel in the parking lot. Because why not.
It was cold, but worth it.
There wasn’t much happening today, so I only planned to head up to the showhome and then get some office stuff done at the station.
Again, Kim, Deb, and I had a BLAST together and had more laughs and giggles. I wasn’t there for as long as the day before, but I still had an absolute blast!
I then headed back to the station and did some office stuff… I’m moving desks/departments and packing is kind of crazy!
Speaking of moving, here it is! I was going to get this blog done last week, and decided to move instead (I’m sorry!)

My new digs! It’s a lot smaller, but it’s cozy and I got everything in! I’m enjoying it at my new home!!
I’m loving my new digs, hanging out in the sales department! I’ll miss my pals in creative, but they’re just down the hall from me 🙂
See ya later PG!
Sylvia xx