This really was an EGGcellent weekend! | Sylvia's amazing weekend!
I have had A LOT of great weekends. And this one definitely cracks the top 5! Why? Well you'll have to read and find out 😉 I was PUMPED for this weekend! The weather was supposed to be nice, the Most EGGcellent Cruise was going on, and it was Easter, which meant my mom was making some good food! I was also entering th...
Apr 05, 2021

Could you ski for 24 hours straight? NGL, I think I would die trying... | Sylvia's chilly, but fun, weekend
It is spring. My question for Mother Nature is WHY are we getting bizzare white out snowstorms and the sunshine minutes apart from each other. I don't know about you, but I just want to be able to enjoy the sunshine without gettig cold! Ugh! Hopefully the nice weather will be back soon and for a looooooong time! Okay l...
Mar 29, 2021

Making new friends on weekends is the BEST | Sylvia's fantastic weekend
The sky was blue, the sun was shinning, and spring was in the air! Well at least it was for Saturday... Sunday was a whole other story... Anyways, this weekend was amazing and FULL of fun! Okay lets start... Ah! But wait! There was one thing I did over the week that I have to show you... We dumped freezing water on our...
Mar 29, 2021

Sylvia is out of shape and breakfast sandwiches are a food group | Sylvia's weekend full of workouts and remembering a great guy
Hey hey hey! I hope you all had a great week! Here's what I did on Saturday! It was MEGATHON day AND it was Mike Benny Day! I was really looking forward to hearing Mike on the radio again. Okay lets start! Saturday The day started off by popping by Canadian Tire and the YMCA to grab some pictures and chat with some of...
Mar 15, 2021

Big smiles all weekend long | Sylvia's weekend full of fun
Hello hello! What a weekend! It was full of fun and I never got the time to finish writing this last weekend. But last weekend deserves a blog so here it is! First off, on Thursday, I got to meet up with Y Girl for the YMCA MEGATHON! We did a quick video to be posted on social media. It was a lot of fun and I am SUPER ...
Mar 15, 2021